Came, Came To, Came To Believe...

Some of us won't believe in God, others can't, and still others who do believe that God exists have no faith whatever He will perform this miracle.

When I first began my journey in recovery, my faith was weak.  I didn't understand how something greater than myself could restore me to sanity.  I started to believe it was working for others but it wouldn't work for me.  I went to meetings and I was seeing people transform into productive members of society.  Still, I didn't have the feeling that this was what was going to help me.  
I was so used to running the show, self will run riot so to speak.  It was a slow process for me, but I kept going to meetings and witnessing the wonderful gift that God was giving everyone.
So I slowly and reluctantly began incorporating God in my life with daily readings, prayer,  meetings and service work.  I began to realize that faith requires action.  I can't tell you exactly when it happened, but I began to believe that God could and would help me.  
As I looked back on my life, I realized the whole time, God was right there with me.  He was holding my hand through the darkest of times and I didn't know.  He kept me alive and led me to my journey in recovery.
Today, things are different for me.  I believe in a power greater than myself and have no doubts whatever about his plans for me.  I trust in God, clean house, and help others. 
 What a concept!!


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