Finding Peace
A.A. is no success story in the ordinary sense of the word. It is a story of suffering transmuted, under grace, into spiritual progress.
— AS BILL SEES IT, p. 35
When I first walked through the doors of AA, I was tired and broken. I had hit a bottom filled with despair, anger, resentments and pain. I watched others who had stories filled with many more trials and tribulations, yet they were at peace. I asked myself how this could be possible.
They believed in a power greater than themselves and through each other, they stayed sober. I didn't have faith in anything at first and I wasn't about to start trying to get it. I was too busy fighting battles I couldn't win. I didn't have time since around talk about some big blue book. You have no free time when you are fighting everybody and everything.
I never imagined that by following the instructions of the older members in the AA, that my life could and would be better if I just let go and had faith. By nature, I am one of the most stubborn people I know and It took a lot for me take advice and become teachable.
Today, after work on my work program and working with other alcoholics, my painful past has become a bitter sweet memory that I use to help others. I am happier than I have ever been. I have faith in my Higher Power to guide to me the next right thing.
We have our lives back, our families, friends and have become productive members of society again. I don't have to fight everything anymore and what a relief that is! The transformation I have gone through is astounding. This program is nothing short of a miracle.
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