More Is Revealed

We realize we know only a little. God will constantly disclose more to you and to us. Ask Him in your morning meditation what you can do each day for the man who is still sick. The answers will come, if your own house is in order. But obviously you cannot transmit something you haven't got. See to it that your relationship with Him is right, and great events will come to pass for you and countless others. This is the Great Fact for us.
When I started my Twelve Step program, I was angry, impatient, desperate, confused and lonely.  I felt like I was missing something.  I wanted my life fixed right now without having to put the work in to get it where it needed to be.  I didn't want to have to pray or attend Twelve Step meetings.  I felt like I was a victim and shouldn't have to change myself.  I started attending Twelve Step meetings not because I wanted to, but had to,  if I ever had a chance of getting behind a steering wheel again.  I grumbled through meetings, unhappy to have to spend my evenings or weekends participating in something I was sure wasn't going to help me.
As time passed, I began to listen to what others were saying.  They were all just like me. They had the same trials and tribulations.  How could they be so happy and content?  Why were they so willing to participate in this fellowship?  I had nothing to lose.  I got a sponsor and began working my steps.  I started praying to my Higher Power and reading everyday.  I prayed every morning for God to give me the patience to deal with issues at work and in my personal life.  I slowly transformed into a different person. I didn't come home mad from work.  I was getting more accomplished while I was in the Office.  I could focus.  What happened?  I became more patient with people and instead of getting "psycho crazy" when they became indignant, I listened more and refrained from lashing back.  I no longer had to carry the burden of being "pissed off" all day.  Of course I still have my moments, the world is not perfect, but they are few and far between.
Difficult personal relationships were slowly improving.  I wasn't mad anymore.  I was learning that I didn't have to be mad all the time.  I used to think that getting "mad" showed how serious I was.  I learned that getting angry is unhealthy for me.  Its a seed that I can't plant in my day.  Anger can quickly grow into a trigger for me to pickup a drink.  
I can concentrate more on improving my relationship with my children instead of being a victim to the guilt and shame I had felt for so many years from not being there for them.  I can finally be a Mom my children deserve. 
Many many things improved and still are improving in my life.  Each day, there is something new and wonderful that gets revealed.  I do not believe that any of these blessings would have been possible if it had not been for my Higher Power and my Twelve Step program.


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