No Cure All
It would be a product of false pride to claim that A.A. is a cure-all, even for alcoholism.When I started my Twelve Step Fellowship for my alcoholism, I thought I could just go until I was "cured". I also had the belief that the Twelve Step had magic powers that could save me. I found there is much more than just being "sober". I learned how to "recover".
— AS BILL SEES IT, p. 285
I practice the principles I have learned in my program in all of my affairs but there are some things that the program cannot afford someone with my specific issues. I suffer from depression and anxiety because of a chemical imbalance that I cannot control. This was a separate issue from my drinking, which needed to also be addressed. I had to seek medical help for these conditions. If I don't keep my mental health up to par, then my ability to practice my Twelve Step program and connect with my Higher Power will suffer greatly.
I believe addiction and mental health issues are close relatives of one another but they are not the same. I can work on my spiritual well-being but I cannot "work" my way into balanced brain chemicals. Mental health issues are a disease just as addiction is. Each has its own remedy. I will be the first to admit that a lot of my mental health issues "lessened" as I became active in my program but they are still there wreaking havoc in my spirit.
It is best to explore ALL avenues of recovery. The point of recovery is to be at your best emotionally, physically and spiritually so as to be a beacon for your Higher Power.
As the literature in my program states, you cannot transmit something you don't have. You have to be at your best in all aspects of your being to be able to embrace the blessings of recovery.
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